tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜


The 150th Episode : What time is it?

Cusco (just an image, haven’t been there - -;) [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] At 9:00 a.m. on the next morning, I was at the lobby of the hotel as he would pick me up. He didn’t come yet even 10 minutes passed as I estimated. Approx. 20 minu…

The 149th Episode : Aircraft crash

Next day’s paper of the accident in Lima, “Mundo” [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] It was around 0:00 midnight when I arrived, but Fernando, the president of our distributor, picked me up. He is one year younger than me but looks my father. He…

The 148th Episode : Meet and greet outside!

Nazca Lines, Peru(Just an image, haven't been to) [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] I arrived at Jorge Chávez Airport, Lima, the capital of Peru from Buenos Aires, Argentina. As ever I passed through the baggage inspection and the customs. And …

The 147th Episode : 2nd generation Japanese Brazilian

Christ at “Corcovado” (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [August, 1999 San Paulo] As mentioned, I was to fly to Rio de Janeiro after San Paulo. I asked the hotel clerk of a taxi to San Paulo airport. An old guy approached me saying “did you call a t…

The 146th Episode : Shoot-outs in the city centre

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [August, 1999 San Paulo, Brazil] After a while the car got into the city. Needless to say San Paulo is the city where many Japanese Brazilian are living. I arrived at the Nikkei Palace Hotel in the …

The 145th Episode : The Noble Prince of Sound Speed

Corcovado Rack Railway for the famous statue of Jesus Christ(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [August, 1999 San Paulo, Brazil] I landed at San Paulo airport, Brazil. It’s the airport to say. Officially this was my first entrance to Brazil, but I to…

The 144th Episode : Business class

Samba whistle bought in Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian coins [August, 1999 Kansai Int'l AP => San Paulo via Dallas] August, 1999, at Kansai International Airport. I was checking in at the Kansai International Airport for the business trip to…

The 143rd Episode : Walk-in sales

Hilton Hotel, Guam [June, 1998 Guam] The purpose to visit Guam was only to have the meeting on the former day. I could return to Japan this day but my flight was fixed to the early morning one next day due to low cost. I tried to have a si…

The 142nd Episode : Resort island, Guam

Tumon beach, Guam [June, 1998 Guam] I returned the hotel with beer and sandwiches bought at ABC store. I needed to pass the time before the tropical show began. I had beer and sandwiches lonely observing the beach under the sunset. Night f…

The 141st Episode : Couldn’t Japanese speak English

Airway tickets and boarding passes to/from Guam [June, 1998 Guam] Wasn’t it about 4:00 a.m. to have checked in the hotel. The meeting started at 9:00 a.m. not being sure if I slept or not. The whole schedule in a day time was over around 4…

The 140th Episode : No exoticism

Two Lovers Point, Guam [June, 1998 Guam] I arrived in Guam around 3:00 in midnight without having well sleeping in spite of the night flight. The hotel staff informed me in advance to pick up at the airport but nobody was there. I wonder h…

The 139th Episode : Not the place a guy goes alone

Tumon beach, Guam [June, 1998 Kansai International Airport => Guam] Guam that’s said the nearest paradise from Japan. Now it’s an American territory but was occupied and governed by Japan from 1941 to 1944 and called Ohmiya-jima (Ohmiya is…

The 138th Episode : Give my money back!

Uruguayan pesos left over [June, 1998 Caracas, Venezuela] My first visit to South America for about two weeks was about to come to the end and I was at Caracas airport to leave. All the procedure for boarding was finished and all I was to …

The 137th Episode : Finger on the trigger

Government security with a gun (Santiago, Chile) [June, 1998 Caracas, Venezuela] The security is not good in South America. Everybody might have the impression. That’s correct. I didn’t feel it so much in Santiago and Buenos Aires, worse t…

The 136th Episode : Favourable to Japan?

Caracas, Venezuela [June, 1998 Caraca, Venezuela] While I looked around the city, I dropped at a game centre. There were many game machines on the site and many young people were playing with them like Japan. There were people living in th…

The 135th Episode : Tropical zone

Poolside in the hotel Caracas, Vnezuela [June, 1998 Caracas, Venezuela] Our car arrived at the Hilton Hotel. Our distributor reserved a room at more than US$200 per night. As I planed to stay for three nights, the total amount is more than…

The 134th Episode : Illumination on the mountains

Caracas, Venezuela [June, 1998 Caracas, Venezuela] Although I couldn’t see the Amazon River, I could landed at Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas, Venezuela safely. The sun had already set and dark outside. Our distributor pick…

The 133rd Episode : The Amazon river

Amazon (Image, from free site) [June, 1998 Sao Paulo, Brazil => Caracas, Venezuela] The equipment from Sao Paulo to Caracas was a Boeing 747, so called jumbo jet, by VARIG Brasil. It took off with a roar. The red ground spread out below. M…

The 132nd Episode : Entered Brazil?

Street corner in Vicente Lopez, Argentina [June, 1998 San Paulo, Brazil] The equipment and the boarding gate were changed just before the time due to less passengers. Such sudden change was made… I did not know. Anyway, I arrived at Sao Pa…

The 131st Episode : Met again at the airport

Birthplace of Argentine Tango, Caminito in Buenos Aires [June, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] In the early morning I was in the waiting room at Ezeiza Airport in Argentina to fly to Caracas, Venezuela via San Paulo, Brazil. Somebody called …

The 130th Episode : Destroy an ecological system

Recoleta Cemetery (Cementerio de la Recoleta), Buenos Aires [May, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] There were ants in the hotel room. They had reddish bottoms, that I’ve never seen in Japan. I was working in office after I came back to Japan,…

The 129th Episode : Argentine-tango

Pamphlet of a Tango restaurant, Sabor a Tango, Buenos Aires [May, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] Monday passed with a meeting in our distributor’s office. They attended me for a dinner watching a show of Argentina-tango. I had not watched A…

The 128th Episode : Friend in my university days

Vicente Lopez station Buenos Aires, Argentina [May, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] I had a reason why I arrived in Buenos Aires on Saturday. Because there was one of my friends who lived in the same dormitory of the university. He, worked f…

The 127th Episode : How many lanes?

Sunrise on La Plata River, Buenos Aires, Argentina [May, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] Maria gave me a drive to the hotel. We were on the expressway to the centre of Buenos Aires city. I felt something was strange. It was different between…

The 126th Episode : Won't pay even a penny!

Monument to soldiers killed in the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict, Buenos Aires [May, 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina] Late evening on Saturday, few people in the wide pathway in the airport. I picked up my luggage and walked to the inspection…

The 125th Episode : Paris in South America

Buenos Aires, Argentina [May, 1998 Montevideo, Uruguay => Buenos Aires, Agentina] I left Uruguay for Buenos Aires, Argentina on the other side of La Plata River. It was to be about 40 minutes flight but the Buenos Aires Ezeiza Internationa…

The 124th Episode : River in 168 miles wide!

La Plata river (Montevideo, Uruguay) [May, 1998 Montevideo, Uruguay] Next place to go was the port to research of Mercosur (Southern Common Market in South America). After we got out of the office the car was heading along the street by th…

The 123rd Episode : 1st FIFA World Cup

View from Fortaleza General Artigas, Montevideo [May, 1998 Montevideo, Uruguay] This year, 1998, was the year of the 16th FIFA World Cup, that would be held in France one month later and Japan would appear the first time. I was taken to Fo…

The 122nd Episode : Don't work at leisure!

Montevideo, Uruguay [May, 1998 Montevideo, Uruguay] I arrived at Carrasco International Airport in Uruguay, real name is Oriental Republic of Uruguay. The passport control was finished, nothing to declare at the customs. Only the luggage i…

The 121st Episode : How's the maintenance of the equipment!?

Santiago, Chile [May, 1998 Santiago, Chile] I got a pleasant souvenir (orders) and was to move triumphantly to the next place, Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. To the east over the Andes. The car passed by the grape fields as well as th…