tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜

The 203rd Episode : Air of vulgar prosperity

Gold market (left), wild camels and skyscrapers in the desert (right),
Dubai UAE


[October, 2009 Dubai, U.A.E.]


     October, 2009, I got at Dubai International Airport, UAE (United Arab Emirates).  First visit to the middle east in my life.  I usually transfer here on the way to/from Ghana but the first time to enter the country.  Dubai was originally a small fishing town, but with the oil, it quickly became one of the world's major cities.  It's now transformed into a city where the rich and powerful are living.


     Mmm~  something was strange.  At the first landing, the size of this airport surprised me very much.  It was too large, no, huge it was!  I had to walk to the transfer gate, that was too far.  It made me walk sooo long, I remember.  The ceiling of the terminal building was so high and palm trees were lined on the both sides of the passageway as if they were a row of trees.


     I have no choice of the words specifically how to express, it was sparkling or not!?!?  It looked like a grown-up's taste!?!?

A poor man's prejudice?