tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜

The 207th Episode : The roof of the world

The world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa (2,722 ft) Dubai, UAE [October, 2010 Dubai, UAE] The return trip was made by Emirates Airlines from Dubai to Japan. It was bound for Haneda, Tokyo, via Kansai AP, Osaka. It's recently become one o…

The 206th Episode : The azure sea

Dubai's sea, once a fishing village (Dubai, UAE) [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] The UAE faces the Persian Gulf. On the way to Ghana, we flew over the Gulf just after take-off from Dubai. The sea was as calm and beautiful as the Caribbean Sea. …

The 205th Episode : City in desert

Sand everywhere around, Dubai, UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] The centre of the city is urban with many skyscrapers like the big cities in the world, but it's still city in desert. There are many small sand grains at corners of streets, pa…

The 204th Episode : Islamic world

Modern architecture like also mosque-like Dubai, UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] I was waiting for my turn at the immigration control. Huge here, too! The ceiling was so high like a gym. The number of the contacting booth is usually 5-6, bu…

The 203rd Episode : Air of vulgar prosperity

Gold market (left), wild camels and skyscrapers in the desert (right),Dubai UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, U.A.E.] October, 2009, I got at Dubai International Airport, UAE (United Arab Emirates). First visit to the middle east in my life. I usu…

The 202nd Episode : That's Mr. OS for me!

Meeting was over (Younger brother of Mr. OS in blue, rear left) [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] All the schedule in Guinea was over and the time had come to leave. This time should be with smooth... Not so fast again... As usual, there was no…

The 201st Episode : Tough reality

Woman selling bread on the street side (Conakry, Guinea) [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] Sorry but Guinea was one of the poorest areas, where I'd ever visited. The gap between rich and poor is obvious just looking around the city. Shabbily dr…

The 200th Episode : Homeland of djembe

The play of djembe and dancing, on the street (Conakry, Guinea) [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] On the day when our job finished a little earlier than usual, everyday it was earlier than in Japan though, we were walking on a street. Then chil…

The 199th Episode : Minister of Education

A market in Kouroussa, Guinea [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] After we went to Kouroussa, we returned Conakry to visit the elder brother of OS who was the Minister of Education of Guinea. He was a very calm person and said "Did you get anythi…

The 198th Episode : Looks like a mushroom

A village near Kouroussa in Guinea [June, 2009 Kouroussa, Guinea] We left Conakry at 5:00 a.m. but the sun had already raised high in the sky. The view through the window was changed from that in Conakry to feel being in Africa. Houses loo…

The 197th Episode : Red berets and green berets

A military officer wearing a red beret who was in our car(Kouroussa, Guinea) [June, 2009 Conakry => Kouroussa, Guinea] On the 3rd day in Guinea we headed Kouroussa where was a gold mining place. Mitsubishi Pajero with 8 people was going to…

The 196th Episode : Camp! Camp!

Military personnel everywhere in the city (Conakry, Guinea) [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] The main purpose to visit Guinea was also to collect information for obtaining the right of gold mining. Needless to say, we researched for the availa…

The 195th Episode : Very rich !?

Approx. US$590 in Guinean Francs [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] In the afternoon of the next day I exchanged money to the local currency at a bank. The lobby was full of people, but all of them didn't seem to have any errand. They were in th…

The 194th Episode : Hypersensitivity to kindness

Conakry, Guinea [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] We got out of the airport terminal building and were walking to the parking pushing my baggage, whilst a hand spread towards myself saying I'd help you carrying. No more!! Don't touch!! I'd do i…

The 193rd Episode : Why are you here?

On a street in Conakry, Guinea [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] I chased away a big and annoying fly, passed the passport control and reached the baggage claim. The conveyor moved with a rattling sound and baggages came out. Whilst I was waiti…

The 192nd Episode : Who can I trust?

On a street in Conakry, Guinea [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] The insecticide was successful and the flies disappeared. All the passengers were fortunately safe and sound. We arrived at the next visiting place Conakry International Airport i…

The 191st Episode : Where am I ?

A village in Kumasi, Ghana [June, 2009 Bamako, Mali] The aircraft that I reached at last after many troubles was going to head for Conakry, the capital of Guinea. It took off off Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. My stay in this country was only qua…

The 190th Episode : The official does not know

Only one shot taken in Côte d'Ivoire through the window of the hotel [June, 2009 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire] The hirsute guy left away. However problems happened one after the other. At that time, the air ticket was E-ticket I used the first t…

The 189th Episode : Who?

Street stalls in Kumasi, Ghana [June, 2009 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire] Next morning, we'd been back to the airport. While I was walking to the counter of the airport company to checkin, the hirsute guy of yesterday recognised me and approachin…

The 188th Episode : Hey taxi, you too

Jolly women on their way home after gold mining (Kumasi, Ghana) [June, 2009 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire] I got out the terminal building and rushed to the taxi stand. Strangely, there were no touts for unlicenced taxis. Both taxis and passenger…

The 187th Episode : Money, money, money --- Part 2

Houses in Kumasi, Ghana [June, 2009 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire] I forced through the passport control for heading the boarding gate. I'd stay at Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, next country to Ghana, for one night at that day. Entering the country onl…

The 186th Episode : Money, money, money --- Part 1

Roundabout in Kumasi city [June, 2009 Accra, Ghana] Departure from Ghana. I had the inspection on my baggage for check-in, that was passed without any problem as ever. At the passport control, I showed my passport. I expected it was return…

The 185th Episode : God of reggae

House doubled as a music studio of Rita Marley, wife of Bob Marley [June, 2009 Kumasi => Accra, Ghana] On the way back to Accra from Kumasi after all the schedule was completed, YB pointed out the left forward saying "that's the house of B…

The 184th Episode : Water and child labour

Children gathered around the well [June, 2009 Kumasi, Ghana] We got back to the village after the ceremony. People's houses were in simple composition with clay walls, wooden walls, tin roofs, shingle roofs... All was one story. Because th…

The 183rd Episode : Village elder

Village elder (2nd from left in the front row) and people who seemed to be important ones like some leaders (Kumasi, Ghana) [June, 2009 Kumasi, Ghana] Finally, we reached the destination town, Kumasi. But the final destination was a suburb…

The 182nd Episode : Speeding crackdown

Main roads are well paved but they drive quite fast [June, 2009 Accra => Kumasi, Ghana] We were done with our stomachs and our car engines also came to lives. They restarted to drive for Kumasi. The main roads were well paved and we could …

The 181st Episode : Rats and lizards

Rat (left) and lizard (right) [June, 2009 Accra => Kumasi, Ghana] We headed for Kumasi, the second biggest city in Ghana. It is now a capital of Ashanti state but was an ancient capital of the Ashanti Kingdom that predominated around the d…

The 180th Episode : Living things that take the most human lives

Accra suburb, Ghana [June, 2009 Accra, Ghana] As mentioned, the certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory to enter Ghana. People in Ghana, however, seemed to fear the malaria more than yellow fever. When we got on a car,…

The 179th Episode : Pro-Japanese Nation

At the entrance of Dr. Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Laboratory, Accra, Ghana [June, 2009 Accra, Ghana] The main industries in Ghana are Cacao and Gold. And the main purpose of my trip this time is the preparation for obtaining the right of gold…

The 178th Episode : Republic of Ghana

International certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis against Yellow Fever [June, 2009 Accra, Ghana] Kotoka International Airport, it is located in Accra, the capital of Ghana, but so small one. Mr. CY picked us at the airport. He spoke …