tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜


The 150th Episode : What time is it?

Cusco (just an image, haven’t been there - -;) [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] At 9:00 a.m. on the next morning, I was at the lobby of the hotel as he would pick me up. He didn’t come yet even 10 minutes passed as I estimated. Approx. 20 minu…

The 149th Episode : Aircraft crash

Next day’s paper of the accident in Lima, “Mundo” [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] It was around 0:00 midnight when I arrived, but Fernando, the president of our distributor, picked me up. He is one year younger than me but looks my father. He…

The 148th Episode : Meet and greet outside!

Nazca Lines, Peru(Just an image, haven't been to) [September, 1999 Lima, Peru] I arrived at Jorge Chávez Airport, Lima, the capital of Peru from Buenos Aires, Argentina. As ever I passed through the baggage inspection and the customs. And …

The 147th Episode : 2nd generation Japanese Brazilian

Christ at “Corcovado” (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [August, 1999 San Paulo] As mentioned, I was to fly to Rio de Janeiro after San Paulo. I asked the hotel clerk of a taxi to San Paulo airport. An old guy approached me saying “did you call a t…

The 146th Episode : Shoot-outs in the city centre

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [August, 1999 San Paulo, Brazil] After a while the car got into the city. Needless to say San Paulo is the city where many Japanese Brazilian are living. I arrived at the Nikkei Palace Hotel in the …

The 145th Episode : The Noble Prince of Sound Speed

Corcovado Rack Railway for the famous statue of Jesus Christ(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [August, 1999 San Paulo, Brazil] I landed at San Paulo airport, Brazil. It’s the airport to say. Officially this was my first entrance to Brazil, but I to…

The 144th Episode : Business class

Samba whistle bought in Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian coins [August, 1999 Kansai Int'l AP => San Paulo via Dallas] August, 1999, at Kansai International Airport. I was checking in at the Kansai International Airport for the business trip to…

The 143rd Episode : Walk-in sales

Hilton Hotel, Guam [June, 1998 Guam] The purpose to visit Guam was only to have the meeting on the former day. I could return to Japan this day but my flight was fixed to the early morning one next day due to low cost. I tried to have a si…

The 142nd Episode : Resort island, Guam

Tumon beach, Guam [June, 1998 Guam] I returned the hotel with beer and sandwiches bought at ABC store. I needed to pass the time before the tropical show began. I had beer and sandwiches lonely observing the beach under the sunset. Night f…

The 141st Episode : Couldn’t Japanese speak English

Airway tickets and boarding passes to/from Guam [June, 1998 Guam] Wasn’t it about 4:00 a.m. to have checked in the hotel. The meeting started at 9:00 a.m. not being sure if I slept or not. The whole schedule in a day time was over around 4…