tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜

The 206th Episode : The azure sea

Dubai's sea, once a fishing village (Dubai, UAE)


[October, 2009 Dubai, UAE]


     The UAE faces the Persian Gulf.  On the way to Ghana, we flew over the Gulf just after take-off from Dubai.  The sea was as calm and beautiful as the Caribbean Sea.  But it was a war-torn and very hazardous area due to the war between Iran and Iraq from 1980 to 1988.


     The marine insurance for war damage was basically separate condition when we export to such ports face this gulf as Kuwait, Bahrain... etc., and if it was attached very expensive insurance premiums were required.  Actually an ocean vessel I arranged for Kuwait was attacked and had a big hole on the hull.  As the cargoes were already discharged no direct damage was caused fortunately.  And some years later the Gulf Was broke out.


     I was looking at the beautiful sea thinking those things.  I do wish a war never breaks out again in future.