tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜


The 110th Episode : European distributors meeting

Blue Mediterranean Sea and white beach (Barcelona) [Marhc, 1998 Barcelona, Spain] After the exhibition, I flew from Hanover to Barcelona, Spain. We were going to take place a ‘European distributors meeting’ inviting 1 or 2 persons from eac…

The 109th Episode : Ecology country, Germany

The suburb of Hanover [March, 1998 Hanover, Germany] In the 2nd morning the bus stopped at the railway crossing on the way to the station. There spread the rural scene a slightly ups and downs. I just recognised only the alarm of the cross…

The 108th Episode : Free ride

German railways (nearest station the exhition site) [March, 1998 Hanover, Germany] On the 2nd day, I was to take a bus to the nearest station, that took 20 – 30 minutes, and then took a train to the temporal station. More than 90 minutes. …

The 107th Episode : Horses on the autobahn

Hanover, Germany [March, 1998 Hanover, Germany] Next morning, a staff of the hotel gave me a drive to the site of the exhibition with a few other guests. He said it was their service as a couple of people with the same purpose as me were s…

The 106th Episode : Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Hotel in the suburb of Hanover [March, 1998 Hanover, Germany] It was already dark outside. The sunset in March in Europe was earlier than Japan. I wanted to have a rest in the hotel as early as possible. The hotel was informed to be a far …

The 105th Episode : How's the connecting flight?

Hanover, Germany [March, 1998 Osaka => Hanover, Germany] March, 1998, to Hanover via Frankfurt, Germany. The start of this trip was quite contrary to the last lucky one. The departure at Kansai International Airport was delayed by 2 hours.…

The 104th Episode : Vast ground of Siberia

Normal route between Japan and Europe [June, 1997 Amsterdam => Kansai Int'l AP, Osaka, Japan] Ready for the flight. The equipment was moving backwards being pushed by a toeing car. It turned around and began taxiing to the runway. Flight a…

The 103rd Episode : Emplacement of inflight meal 

Market in Copenhagen [June, 1997 Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam] The equipment was a jumbo jet, B-747. It was not so crowded though I had a hard negotiation to get a good seat. Only myself in a three-seater. I had a wide space in the front be…

The 102nd Episode : In the middle seat for 11 hours!?

Copenhagen, Denmark [June, 1997 Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam] The trip was over as scheduled, visited 7 countries in 2 weeks. The return flight would take about 11 hours from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Kansai International Airport, Osaka…

The 101st Episode : Summer has come to Northern Europe

Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark [June, 1997 Copenhagen, Denmark] In June, summer has come to Northern Europe. On a Saturday, I had free time until the evening when I was to have dinner with our customer. I went away from the hotel to take a wa…