tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜


The 204th Episode : Islamic world

Modern architecture like also mosque-like Dubai, UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] I was waiting for my turn at the immigration control. Huge here, too! The ceiling was so high like a gym. The number of the contacting booth is usually 5-6, bu…

The 203rd Episode : Air of vulgar prosperity

Gold market (left), wild camels and skyscrapers in the desert (right),Dubai UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, U.A.E.] October, 2009, I got at Dubai International Airport, UAE (United Arab Emirates). First visit to the middle east in my life. I usu…

The 202nd Episode : That's Mr. OS for me!

Meeting was over (Younger brother of Mr. OS in blue, rear left) [June, 2009 Conakry, Guinea] All the schedule in Guinea was over and the time had come to leave. This time should be with smooth... Not so fast again... As usual, there was no…