tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜


The 207th Episode : The roof of the world

The world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa (2,722 ft) Dubai, UAE [October, 2010 Dubai, UAE] The return trip was made by Emirates Airlines from Dubai to Japan. It was bound for Haneda, Tokyo, via Kansai AP, Osaka. It's recently become one o…

The 206th Episode : The azure sea

Dubai's sea, once a fishing village (Dubai, UAE) [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] The UAE faces the Persian Gulf. On the way to Ghana, we flew over the Gulf just after take-off from Dubai. The sea was as calm and beautiful as the Caribbean Sea. …

The 205th Episode : City in desert

Sand everywhere around, Dubai, UAE [October, 2009 Dubai, UAE] The centre of the city is urban with many skyscrapers like the big cities in the world, but it's still city in desert. There are many small sand grains at corners of streets, pa…