tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜

The 159th Episode : I'm an airport staff

Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas, Venezuela


[September, 1999 Caracas, Vezuela]


      In the early morning I was at Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas.  It’s the airport with a story to have mentioned before.  Let me depart this time without any trouble.  I was leaving for Port of Spain, the capital of the next country Trinidad and Tobago.


     I was looking for an air company’s counter for check-in but couldn’t find it out unfortunately.  I asked a man just passed by me, then he answered ‘over there’ and took my luggage saying “I’ll take you to the counter.”  “No, thank you.  No problem, I can go myself as I’ve got it now.”  He wouldn’t release his hand from my luggage.  It was obvious he would require money for such a help.  I tried to take my luggage back, but he was stubborn not to release.  Oh no, was I going to hassle again at this airport?  Troublesome again!?


     Did he recognise what I was thinking about?  He said “Don’t worry, I’m an airport staff.”  Indeed he had a name tag hanging around his neck.  “If you say so, are you actually the staff?  Do I trust you?  Then I won’t pay any money, OK?”  He said “OK”.  So I could do was only to walk to the counter with him.


     We reached the check-in counter.  As I tried to take my luggage back from him saying thank you, he didn’t release his hand and the other hand stretched out palm up.  I said “what!?” with anger.  

     Tip, he said.  “I said I wouldn’t pay money!  You’re the staff of this airport!  Then, that’s your job, right!?”  I tried again to take back my luggage but he was so stubborn.  Quarrel happened again.  Because I didn’t have much time, I was obliged to pay some, then offered US$2.00 from my pocket, but he said no and didn’t get it.  “Less, give me US$10.00” he appointed the amount of the tip.  Never heard it!  Dodgy guy, he got!  “US$10.00!?!?”  I got so angry but time was running out.  No more time for quarrel.  US$10.00 had gone.


     Never and ever my money was gone in such a way.  No way!  Massive failure!  I can't like this airport.