tokuchan_world’s blog

Foreign countries are like this〜

The 151st Episode : Japan is just over the sea

City of Lima on the cliffs


[September, 1999 Lima, Peru]


     Lima is located on the west coast of the South American continent.  The ocean is close but a little far to the water face.  The town is located on the high place.  Some places may be slightly slope from the sea to the inland, but the area/points of my activity was such a high places!?  The ocean was always seen below on driving by a car, that is the only my memory.


     We had lunch at the restaurant located on the top of the cliff.  The Pacific Ocean was spread outside of the window.  No islands could be seen but only the blue water.  Exactly the word “ocean” is right.  I was looking at the ocean, whilst I was waiting for the meal I ordered.  “Japan is just over this ocean” that came to my mind.  I thought the same at the office in Santiago when I looked at the globe, and now thinking the same just in front of the actual ocean.


     I had the contrary image what I had on my high school travel, looking the same ocean from the other side.  Who had known that I was at the other side of the ocean 20 years later.